Author. Inspired by Creativity, Imagination and Design.


My experiences in writing.

My observations of the creative world around me.

How those two worlds come together.

Posts tagged Life Experience
A Volunteer’s Perspective: A Behind-the-Scenes Tour of the Pyeongchang Olympic Sliding Centre

Even for a novice to the sport, the Olympic Sliding Centre at the Pyeongchang Olympics takes your breath away. Within moments you get a sense of the magnitude, the power, the adrenaline rush — and the risk.

It’s the longest sledding track in the world, touting 2018 total meters of track — in honor of the 2018 Winter Olympics.

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Collect Meaningful Experiences… Not Stuff

A young friend of mine recently posted a thought-provoking question on Facebook:

What advice would you give a 21-year-old?

Ironically, most of the advice came from other young people — advice about dating, school, career, exercise, saving money. Don’t get me wrong — all good advice.

But my mind went to one place…

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